14 mrt Trade winds
Update by Wim:
"At last we are full and well in the trade winds. All is well. We hardly touch the sails. We sleep, eat and stand on watch (two times four hours). And in between we relax, scan the horizon, the clou...
Update by Wim:
"At last we are full and well in the trade winds. All is well. We hardly touch the sails. We sleep, eat and stand on watch (two times four hours). And in between we relax, scan the horizon, the clou...
Update by Rob:
“In 1990 I was travelling in the United States. I ended up in a little town by the name of Estes Park, gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park. In the local youth hostel we sat on the porch of the m...
In his guide Patrick Moore fulminates against all sorts of modernisms such as splitting up and/or re-arranging perfectly good star signs. Anyone that has tried to make sense of some of the names of star signs knows tha...
Update by Maarten:
"On the bridge we have Patrick Moore’s star guide, which is useful, as stargazing is a good way to pass the night in between duty on the helm and the management of sails. Patrick Moore was the s...
Zaterdag is volgens Jacob's woorden 'Happy hour', wat gewoon betekent dat we met z'n allen het schip poetsen. Binnen, buiten en we doen de was. Dit alles werd afgesloten met een heerlijk verfrissende duik in de oceaan....
De 'Oosterschelde' is ruim 16 maanden onderweg, maar pas deze week kruisten we ons eigen kielzog en pas deze week is de wereld-omzeiling dus echt een feit. Op het plaatje is te zien welke route het schip heeft gevolgd....