Waiting for Sinterklaas

Waiting for Sinterklaas

Waiting for Sinterklaas

5 december 2019

For a few days we are sailing on the ocean swell
and still all on board are doing well.

The ship keeps on moving up and down
but for sure today you can see no one frown.

Today Sinterklaas is coming a long way
to make all on board happy with his stay.

Many on board know his story for long
while some of us are still learning a Sinterklaas song.

For sure by now all of us are wondering secretly
what present might Sinterklaas bring for me?

We prepared a chair for him to sit
and tied it on well in case a wave will hit.

Finally all the waiting is done
Sint and Piet arrive in the last light of sun.

Saint Nikolaus gave us a speech
about us and our goals to reach.

There was a poem and present for all of us luckily
Sinterklaas even remembered me.

After all the gifts had been past
it is time for Sint and Piet to go home at last.

Sinterklaas and his helper go home for a rest
and will return in a year if we all behave best.

If you wonder: why does this all rhyme?
Let me tell you it’s the spirit of Sinterklaas time.